The Information Technology industry is a proud employer for more than 10 million professionals. Known as ever prosperous industry, IT has always been creating job openings and absorbing the young IT professionals.
Jobs in IT
IT professionals deal with designing, creation, management and maintenance of computer system, including software, hardware, networks, systems integration and web. Under each such segment, there are many job avenues.

 Task of IT professional

Applications Engineer


Responsible for designing parts of applications such as interface and middleware


Personnel Consultant


Helps in project planning and implementation


IT manager


Responsible for managing company’s day to day operations


IT Auditor


Audits and reviews computer systems and develops examination and evaluation methods for networking

Data developer

Evaluates the data requirements of a company and designs model of data flow

Scope of IT
With more than a billion websites on net, the use of pen and paper has lost some somewhere. Everything has become wireless and we have become dependent on technology. Data has become a productand hence these modern technological progressions have created a huge demand for exchange of information. As per many studies, IT will become the biggest industry globally in few years.