Are you appearing for board exam this year? Is Mathematics the subject that gives you sleepless nights and a dry throat? Don’t worry.

Follow the simple steps to cope with Mathematics paper and score good marks.  

Practice makes a man perfect. To score good marks in Mathematics, practice is mandatory. You must practice a few questions from all the chapters you have already prepared to keep in touch and revise. This will keep you updated with the usage of the formulae.

Before starting the syllabus, make a reckoner including all important formulae and concepts. Study according to it. This will help you to measure your performance.

Solve Test Papers
Purchase or rent some practice papers. Picking the questions randomly and solving them will boost your confidence and will also make you find your strength and weak areas to work upon. In case you have some more time, solve those papers just like you are writing an actual exam in the limited time frame and evaluate the result after you finish the paper.

Study material
Be very cautious on the books you choose to study. You must study from NCERT books. These are the books that are generally used by the CBSE Board. You can also practice from other reference books and test papers, but only after you are done with NCERT books.

Thorough Revision
It is recommended that you revise only the topics you have prepared. Do not start preparing a new topic at the last moment. This way you will not lose your crucial revision time.