Andaman and Nicobar Islands have recorded an overall pass percentage of 69.22 in Class XII CBSE exam with students of four schools securing 100 percent success, a report said today.

In 2012 the overall pass percentage in class XII was 69.96 per cent while in 2011 it was 76.67 per cent.

The results of All India Secondary School Examination (Class X) and All India Senior School Certificate Examination (Class-XII) 2012-13 have been announced by CBSE on 26th and 27th May, 2013 but the compilation report of overall performance was released by Andaman and Nicobar Islands Education Department today.

“Out of 5032 students who appeared in class-XII from the government schools or government aided schools and unaided schools in Andaman and Nicobar Islands, 3483 students have passed and 994 students have been placed in compartment,” the compilation reports said.