The Aligarh Muslim University Saturday announced a centre for strategic studies named after the great Mysore ruler Tipu Sultan, who fought against the British forces in the 18th century.

"He (Tipu Sultan) was a true secular ruler of distinguished character. He was a right statesman and a right soldier who donated a huge amount for the construction of temples," AMU Vice Chancellor, Lt. Gen. (retd) Zameer Uddin Shah said at a seminar "Life and Work of Tipu Sultan" to mark Tipu Sultan's 214th death anniversary.

Shah said Tipu Sultan, who died fighting the British forces, sacrificed his life for the sake of the country.

Chief guest Yusuf Ansari, a senior journalist from New Delhi, said that "the sacrifice of Tipu Sultan paved the way for the freedom struggle of the country. He also expressed his unhappiness over the role of media which turned its eye from sacrifice and contributions of Tipu Sultan".

Ali Athar, department of history, AMU, said that it was a pity that Tipu Sultan's descendants were living in misery in Kolkata and other places and were running dhabas or pulling rickshaws.