The answer key challenge process for GATE 2021 is concluding today, March 04, by the Indian Institute of Technology, IIT Bombay. The candidates can download and challenge the answer key by visiting the official website of GATE at

The IIT Bombay has released the answer key of the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2021 on March 04. Candidates can submit their challenges against the tentative answer key by making a payment of Rs. 500 for each question. The IIT Bombay has released the response sheet for the GATE 2021 examination on February 18, 2021.

The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2021 entrance exam was held on February 6, 7, 13 & 14, 2021, in two shift. The first shift was held in the morning session, from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM and the second shift was held from 3 PM to 6 PM in the afternoon session.

GATE 2021 Answer Key - Direct Link

Candidates can raise objection against the GATE 2021 answer key by following the simple steps provided here.

GATE 2021 Answer Key - How to Raise Objections?

Step 1: The candidates are advised to match their answers with the answer key released by the commission.
Step 2: If any discrepancy is found and the answer suggested by the commission is found wrong by the candidates they can go to the official website of GATE 2021.
Step 3: Go to the link that reads correction to the answer key on the homepage.
Step 4: File your answer along with the proof of it being correct and submit it.
Step 5: Pay the objection fee and take a print out of the confirmation page for further use.

For more related details, candidates can visit the official website of the  IIT GATE.

Official Website: