The admit card for the ANM and Lab Technician, Community Nurse Case Manager (NMHP) Regional Nursing Consultant, Psychiatric Nurse (NMHP), Bio-Medical Engineer (RPMU), Regional Program Manager (RPMU) and REGIONAL M&E OFFICER (RPMU) (against advertisement number 08/2019), Dental Technician, Audiologist & Speech Therapist, Optometrist, DEIC Manager-Cum-Coordinator, Physiotherapist, District Epidemiologists, Psychologist and Early Interventionist cum & Special Educator (against advertisement number 11/2019) has been released by the State Health Society, Bihar. 

The admit card is now available on the official website i.e.

The candidates who are appearing for the exam can visit the official website and download the admit card. 

SHSB Admit Card 2020: How to Download?

Step 1: Visit the official website of State Health Society Bihar i.e.
Step 2: Go to ‘Admit Card’ Tab
Step 3: Click on the link “Notice for Admit Card (Advt. No. 09/2019 - GNM/B.Sc Nursing & 10/2019 - CCH for AYUSH)”, given on the homepage
Step 4: Fill in the required details 
Step 5: Check the admit card carefully 
Step 6: Download SHS Bihar Admit Card

Exam Details 

SHSB Exam will consist of questions on General Ability (1 marks for each question), Analytical Ability (1 mark for each question), Numerical Ability (1 mark for each question) and Technical Subjects (2 marks for each question). There will be 80 questions in the exam for the post of ANM, Lab Technician, Community Nurse Case Manager, Regional Nursing Consultant, Dental Technician, Audiologist & Speech Therapist, Optometrist, DEIC Manager-Cum-Coordinator, Physiotherapist, District Epidemiologists, and Physiotherapist and 100 questions for the post of Bio-Medical Engineer, Regional Program Manager, REGIONAL M&E OFFICER, and Early Interventionist cum & Special Educator. Candidates will be given 2 hours to complete the test for each post.

SHSB Admit Card 2020: Direct Link 

The admit card for the ANM and Lab Technician, Community Nurse Case Manager (NMHP) Regional Nursing Consultant, Psychiatric Nurse (NMHP), Bio-Medical Engineer (RPMU), Regional Program Manager (RPMU) and REGIONAL M&E OFFICER (RPMU) (against advertisement number 08/2019), Dental Technician, Audiologist & Speech Therapist, Optometrist, DEIC Manager-Cum-Coordinator, Physiotherapist, District Epidemiologists, Psychologist, and Early Interventionist cum & Special Educator (against advertisement number 11/2019) has been released by the State Health Society, Bihar. 
- The admit card is now available on the official website i.e.
- The candidates who are appearing for the exam can visit the official website and download the admit card.